Christ Arriving [Damascus World Edition] {FULL LENGTH ...

2012-06-07 19

Christ Arriving [Damascus World Edition]

5 psychedelic music videos combined into 1 futuristic musical dedicated to the end of time, the 2nd coming of Christ and the confrontation with the Anti-Christ that will bring the end of time closer. The musical constantly refers to the landing of Jesus on the minarets of Damascus. Something we all look forward to happening, a world event. The musical also proclaims to the arrival of the Anti-Christ on this world, the worst chaos of all time that shall occur. The close support and presence of the devil when this world event will take place. The city of Vancouver,BC is only used as a reference and a symbol of the world today, skylines of cities on which Christ will arrive and so will the Anti-Christ. Freemasonry, Gog Magog and some certain Jewish people who will support the Anti-Christ as he will march through to create anarchy all over the world and around the same time Christ will descent. All 5 videos are like symbols and precursors that portray this upcoming event which is now closer. Omer Pasha as the man in the black cloak practices and hails on the side of Jesus to the happening of this event in the future to which the entire world will be a witness. One of the greatest shocks and horrors of mankind. Other than the believers in God, atheists will also witness this event that will take place on Earth, something that is not a fairy tale or a fable but something that will actually happen in front of the entire world. Which generation will witness , us today? Or the next? Time will tell.

All music videos have been produced in Vancouver, BC.This is a ritualistic musical.